Holidays, Honeymoons, and Vacations!

A little while ago, I had a conversation with a woman who is now a client of mine.

Like most clients who come to work with me, we usually meet first for a Clarity Consult, which is essentially an introductory call where I get to know you a little better so we can ensure my program is the right fit before starting.

Here’s how a part of our conversation went on that call (and yes, I’m paraphrasing slightly):


I’m ready to get started, but just so you know, I’m headed off for my 2-week Honeymoon in a couple of weeks, so we’ll need to postpone our 3rd and 4th sessions until after I’m back.


That’s not a problem, but are you sure you don’t want to wait until after your trip to get started—once you’re back home and settled?


No, I’d prefer to get started as soon as possible.

Here was her reasoning (and again, I’m paraphrasing slightly):

I’ve been feeling so out of control with my weight and eating for a while now, and I know myself too wellI’ll throw in the towel while we’re away and only set myself back further. I have no interest in returning home feeling worse off—and likely heavier—than I am now.

I’d rather start implementing whatever I learn in the next few weeks so I can put a plan into motion and come home feeling “ahead” of the game. Besides, I know it will only be harder to get started if I wait until later.

The lie we tell ourselves.

I have to give credit where credit is due.

I love that she made this choice for herself—taking care of her “future self.”

Because I know how tempting it can be to wait until everything is in its “perfect place” before getting started—after the summer holidays, after the vacation, once the kids are back in school, etc.

But there’s an underlying assumption here.

And that’s this:

You must be doing it perfectly; otherwise, what’s the point if you only have to start over again later?

Except that’s a thought error—a lie we tell ourselves.

Because the truth is, you don’t have to be doing it ALL to make progress and get results.

Take it from my client, who decided to get started BEFORE her Honeymoon.

Do you think she hated her trip?

No way! She enjoyed herself MORE.

What was different, how did she approach her trip, and what was the result?

The difference was she went into the experience with a new mindset.

And she wasn’t dreading the “aftermath” she would need to contend with upon returning home.

She still got to eat many of the delicious foods she was looking forward to trying—pain au chocolat, macaroon, gelato, pasta, and pizza.

(Did I mention she was traveling to France and Italy?)

I helped her develop a set of parameters that would allow her to enjoy her Honeymoon while simultaneously supporting her goal.

One of her mantras: “It all counts.”

This flew in the face of her past all-or-nothing attitude that would have convinced her that she had already “ruined her diet,” so she might as well “start fresh” when she got home.

And here’s the “wild” part…

She set a very realistic goal to simply maintain her weight over the two weeks (because even that felt like a stretch), but the irony is, she still came back 2 pounds lighter!

She enjoyed the indulgences that mattered most to her and balanced them out with lots of walking and strategically sneaking in healthier, lighter options when it made sense.

She got to have her pain au chocolat and eat it too!

Also, there wasn’t any mindless snacking between meals (something she struggled with back home) since she was too busy enjoying her vacation.

The “perfect” time doesn’t exist, + the “secret.”

So often, we wait to start on our goals because it’s not the “perfect time.”

But the sneaky thing is, our minds will always come up with an excuse for why right now isn’t the “right” time.

There will always be a list of things to get through first—work deadlines, family vacations, birthday celebrations, holidays, home renovations, etc.

Here’s the secret…

When you can lose weight and maintain healthy habits through it all, you never have to worry about it being the “perfect” time again because you build the skill of knowing how to handle ANY eating situation with ease.

It’s not to say that you won’t have to plan a bit more or choose the best available option given the circumstance (which doesn’t necessarily equate to the one you would typically select).

Life can be messy, busy, and unpredictable at times.

But there’s a comfort that comes with knowing that none of that negates the fact that you can always make a “better” choice, even if it’s not the “perfect” one.

Results are compounded over time.

Day to day.

Week to week.

Month to month.

There’s no better time to start than right now.

~ Elaine

P.S. If you’re ready to permanently lose weight, figure out your eating, and change your relationship with food, my signature 1:1 program might be a great fit.

It all starts with a Clarity Consult, where we’ll discuss where you are now, where you want to go, and a strategy for getting you there.

This session will give you clarity around what you need to do to lose weight + upgrade your eating habits permanently.

Get the full details + apply.

Elaine Brisebois, Nutritionist_Blog_Sidebar-01

Hi! I’m Elaine, a Certified Nutritionist & Master Health Coach. I teach women how to lose weight while prioritizing the health of their bodies and minds (while also enjoying the foods they love!).

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Get a free copy of my handbook!

The Elegant Eating Handbook: Simple and Effective Strategies for Lasting Weight Loss and a Peaceful Relationship with Food.

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