A Letter from Your Future Self

Imagine receiving a letter from your future self that provided helpful insights and guidance in helping you realize a particular goal you have or illuminated the steps required to take you from point A to point B.

It might sound like science fiction, but it’s actually a powerful journaling exercise that can support you in reaching your goals, and it’s something you can easily do right now!

Projecting yourself into the future, even just a few months ahead, and reflecting upon what’s possible can have a profound impact on your mindset and the subsequent actions that stem from it.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the concept of writing a letter from your future self, how to create one, and why it can be a valuable tool for personal growth.

Choosing the Right Timeframe

This exercise can be done with any future date in mind. It could be 1 or 3 months from now, your next birthday, or another milestone date. However, I suggest picking something that isn’t so distant that it feels unattainable while also providing a window for meaningful change to occur.

With the New Year just two months away, that could be a great target to aim for since the transition into a new year usually prompts reflection on our goals and aspirations.

Your North Star

Think of this letter as your “North Star.” It’s like your guide, reminding you of what really matters, your priorities, and your goals. When you’re having a tough day or thinking about giving up, this letter will serve as inspiration, reminding you why you started and just how accomplished you’ll feel once you achieve what you set out to do.

Getting Started

1. Create the Space: Find a quiet, comfortable space to immerse yourself in this exercise. All you need is a pen and paper, but you can also mark the occasion by playing nice music, lighting a candle, or making yourself a warm drink to sip on—whatever sets the mood and helps you get into the right headspace.

2. Choose a Date: Let’s use the example of ringing in the New Year (i.e. 2 months away), but you can choose any time frame.

3. Write in the Present Tense: As you compose your letter, describe how you feel as if you were already in that future moment. This technique makes your vision feel more immediate and within reach.

4. Keep it Real: Don’t stress too much about the exact outcome. Instead of saying, “I’m 20 pounds lighter,” you could say things like, “I’m following through on my food plan, I’m working out consistently each week, my clothes are fitting better, I’m down a dress size, I’m prioritizing my sleep, I feel more in control around food” and so on.

Just make sure your goals are achievable for the time frame you’ve chosen. If you want to be more specific, that’s fine too, but be realistic about what you can reasonably do in that time (i.e. in 2 months).

Prompts to Guide You

Here are some prompts to help you get started:

• How do I want to feel in that future moment?

• What did it take to get me here? What steps did I have to take?

• What thoughts did I have to intentionally practice to reach this point?

• What limiting beliefs did I have to let go of?

• What uncomfortable emotions did I have to embrace or overcome?

• What achievements am I most proud of?

• What excites me the most about the future?

Refine Over Time

As the chosen time frame arrives, revisit your letter. Take some time to celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how small they may seem. You can always write a new letter or update the existing one for your next chosen period (i.e. the next 2 or 3 months). This process allows you to continually refine your vision and goals over time, as well as the actions you need to take to get there.

Painting a Vision with Words

By putting your thoughts and aspirations on paper, you create a vivid vision of your future. This vision becomes the foundation for setting concrete goals, the first step toward meaningful action. And, as you take action, you create the actual results you desire.

In conclusion, the practice of writing a letter from your future self is a powerful practice to gain clarity about your goals, align your actions, and turn your aspirations into reality. So, take a moment to project yourself into the future, put pen to paper, and let your future self guide you in bringing about meaningful change in your life.


P.S. Want to work with me 1:1?

If you desire to permanently lose weight, stop mindless overeating, cultivate better health habits, and have a more peaceful and pleasurable relationship with food, my private coaching program might be a great fit.

Get the full program details + apply for a Clarity Consult to get started. We’ll discuss where you are now, where you want to go and a strategy for getting you there.

Elaine Brisebois, Nutritionist_Blog_Sidebar-01

Hi! I’m Elaine, a Certified Nutritionist & Master Health Coach. I teach women how to lose weight while prioritizing the health of their bodies and minds (while also enjoying the foods they love!).

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