Achieve Your Health Goals and Build Better Habits (3 Strategies)

Here are three strategies to help you achieve your health goals and build better habits. 1. Make Decisions Ahead of Time When making decisions ahead of time, we use the pre-frontal cortex, or the part of our brain responsible for executive functions like problem-solving, planning, and acting with our goals in mind. In-the-moment decisions are…

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Creating Comfort

Woman writing in bed

Change is inherently uncomfortable. Whenever we attempt to go against the grain of our familiar habits, there’s bound to be some resistance. It might even feel like your “inner toddler” throwing a tantrum and digging her heels in as she declares, “I don’t wanna, and you can’t make me.” But although feeling uncomfortable is a natural…

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How do you eat?

This may sound like a strange question, but did you know that how you eat is just as important as what you eat? Some people are really surprised to find out that how they eat is intricately connected to their excess weight, digestive problems, or gut issues. See, changing your diet and upgrading your food choices…

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